Clmak814 發表於 7-5-2008 12:02:20

原帖由 Djserry 於 6-5-2008 18:28 發表

Choose role...Everyone please :D
Warrior, at least...70, 70 ,70 係Clan War之少要WEAR FULL RUNE(excpet Pure)。
Magic Attacker: 70+ Mage。係Clan War之少用FIRE BLAST。
Magic Blinder: 70+ Mage。係Cla ...
why must be choose role

jing211091 發表於 7-5-2008 12:42:26

原帖由 michael_hk 於 7-5-2008 02:14 發表
gonna be p2p in june for 1 month i think, to max out combat (not summoning)
me2,but i think i will p2p for 3 month,because i m too free after ce,i may max magic,range and melee skills

kenderworld 發表於 7-5-2008 12:55:19

達到某些要求又未到90combat join唔join得?

sp_wong 發表於 7-5-2008 13:01:52

原帖由 jing211091 於 7-5-2008 12:42 發表

me2,but i think i will p2p for 3 month,because i m too free after ce,i may max magic,range and melee skills

I am free after Ce too, let's train together, i will train magic and range.....

Djserry 發表於 7-5-2008 14:01:43

原帖由 kenderworld 於 7-5-2008 12:55 發表
達到某些要求又未到90combat join唔join得?

PS: Good luck Jing and Michael on maxing out cmb :D

PSS: 有冇人可以係cee後搵到alae同moz呀?我唔想左住人溫書。

sp_wong 發表於 7-5-2008 16:20:36

我地好似好多 ce 人, 唔知有幾多個呢....?

Clmak814 發表於 7-5-2008 16:50:08

ce系form 5去form 6?
不過入左main class...
will be more busy...
and hard to get fm99 ...
and you haven't answer my question
"why must be choose role"

sp_wong 發表於 7-5-2008 17:02:23

Choose role 可以統計下人力資源, 估計個clan既邊方面強........(in my opinion)[]

jing211091 發表於 7-5-2008 17:04:40

我同car toy都係5月10之後考完CE,car toy己p2p

h0h0 發表於 7-5-2008 17:10:52




bs既人等我黎 :)

[ 本帖最後由 h0h0 於 7-5-2008 17:12 編輯 ]
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