Djserry 發表於 7-5-2008 20:20:31

原帖由 sp_wong 於 7-5-2008 19:44 發表
你已經係clan member..
原帖由 michael_hk 於 7-5-2008 19:45 發表 images/common/back.gif
well i dun think the clan has to be strctly classified as f2p or p2p in fact, v can have clans wars in both f2p and p2p :P
I don't want any member feel they are left out. but if you want, it is possible to do it.
原帖由 jing211091 於 7-5-2008 20:03 發表 images/common/back.gif
p2p好似冇咩人Clanwar,不如去Fight pit玩?又有$$拎

michael_hk 發表於 7-5-2008 20:52:45

djserry: I don't want any member feel they are left out. but if you want, it is possible to do it.

yea so better not make it pure p2p at least, dun leave me out :P

Lazy基" 發表於 7-5-2008 21:16:11

cool_snow 發表於 7-5-2008 21:33:01

咁 martin 你做埋 event leader.. =P

Lazy基" 發表於 7-5-2008 21:59:41

cool_snow 發表於 7-5-2008 22:04:13

我會攪 event trip 架, 不過容易玩果d, e.g. fishing trawlers, trouble brewing..
因為我想要套衫.. 哈哈哈...[]

Lazy基" 發表於 7-5-2008 22:05:03

Djserry 發表於 7-5-2008 22:18:37

Ff R Chirs黎個月唔得閒,下個月先算。

人,我都都夠架啦。大家可唔可以比d sexy名呀?

fightman08 發表於 7-5-2008 23:17:39

omg me!! rsn:mary leung/fight man 08 122cmb,96

jing211091 發表於 7-5-2008 23:24:46

Sexy D既名,不如叫Angels of Runes:lol
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